

Associated Students
Leadership Center


Associated Students Logo

Welcome to the Associated Students Leadership Center (ASLC). The ASLC is home to Associated Students (A.S.), the student governing body of Mt. San Antonio College.


Important Links:
 Associated Students  Recognized Student Clubs & Organizations (RSCO's) 
Campus Event Calendar  LEAD Workshop Calendar & Attendance Records Activities Transcript

Associated Students Leadership Center

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Associated Students Executive Board
Student Trustee Applications Open 

Want to serve as an Executive Board officer or Student Trustee?
Visit the Executive Board website to apply.
All positions are elected.

Deadline to Apply:
Friday, March 21, 2025 at 2 p.m.
All candidates are required to attend a mandatory candidate orientation. 
Orientation dates:
Thursday, March 20, 2025 from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. or Friday, March 21, 2025 from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
in the A.S. Council Room. 
All candidates will have their headshots taken at orientation. 
For questions? Contact the A.S. Elections Committee at
      • Vision

        To cultivate leaders who advocate for an equitable world!

      • Mission

        We strive to unite and empower our community by embracing and fostering our six values and priorities.

      • Values & Priorities

        Associated Students supports the development of the student body through the following priorities:

        1. Co-Curricular Engagement
        2. Civic Engagement & Advocacy
        3. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice, Anti-Racism, & Access 
        4. Leadership Development
        5. Retention & Transfer
        6. Recognition of Service
      • Officer Contacts

        Associated Students Officers Contact Information

      • Fee Information

        Student Activities Fee
        The $15 Student Activities Fee allows your student government to provide scholarships, leadership opportunities, cultural events, funding for student events and many other
        co-curricular programs and services for students.

        Student Representation Fee 
        The $2 Student Representation Fee, Mandated by Assembly Bill (AB) 1504, provides support for student government representatives who may be presenting positions and viewpoints to representatives, offices, and agencies of local, district, and state governments.

        Learn more about the Associated Students Fee's

      • Executive Board

        The Executive Board acts upon all legislation forwarded by the Senate. It consists of the A.S. President, A.S. Vice President, two (2) Senate Chairs, two (2) ICC Co-Chairs and (3) Ex-officio members which include the Student Trustee, Chief of Staff, and ICC Secretary. 

      • Senate

        The Senate consists of 16 Senators two (2) of which serve as Senate Chairs. Each Senate seat has an assigned job description that entails specific responsibilities relevant to each of their roles. Each Senator will remain in office for two semesters.

      • Student Court

        The Student Court consists of one (1) Chief Justice and six (6) Associate Justices. The Student Court has the authority within the Association to interpret the constitution and supporting documents of the Association. The Student Court has the power of Judicial Review over any legislation enacted by the Student Senate or any action by the Executive Board or President.

      • College-wide Committees

        Mt. SAC students are encouraged to participate in the governance of the College by serving on various College-wide committees. Within these committees, many important decisions are made that affect students on campus; it is important that students have a voice as these decisions are made.

        View the current Committee List