
Electronics & Computer Technology

Planning your Class Schedule 

If you'd like help planning which courses to take for each semester while you're in the Electronics program, you have come to the right place! Below is everything you'll need to obtain an Electronics Certificate. You do not need to take any General Ed classes if you only plan on obtaining  a certificate rather than an A.S. Degree. See "Electronics Certificate" below for class scheduling.

All courses above are required for the A.S. degree. No Classes have strictly enforced pre-requisites. Instead, our courses have ‘advisories’. Use this chart as a guideline for how to sequence your classes. After completion of ELEC 50A and ELEC 50B, (ELEC 50B can be taken in second 8 weeks of the same semester of 50A) you can proceed to ELEC 56, ELEC 51, ELEC 54A, ELEC 54B, or ELEC 61. After completion of ELEC 56, ELEC 74 or ELEC 12 may be taken (ELEC 56 and ELEC 51 are both required to take ELEC 12). After completion of ELEC 51, ELEC 53 may be taken. After completion of ELEC 53, ELEC 55 may be taken. Exceptions can be made to the course sequence above if necessary. Please talk to your instructor. Examples are: ELEC 53 and ELEC 55 can be taken either in order, but if given the option, take ELEC 53 first. ELEC 62 can be taken concurrently with ELEC 50A if necessary. ELEC 56 can be taken concurrently with ELEC 50A, ELEC 74, and/or ELEC 12 if necessary. See for the course schedule.

If you plan on getting an A.S degree, the same scheduling rules apply in the the "Electronics Certificate" section for Electronics classes, but also see "General Ed Requirements for A.S. Degree" below.

View Electronics Flowchart

Electronics Certificate 

  • Classes offered in Fall semesters: ELEC50A/50B, 51, 53, 54A, 56, 11, 61
  • Classes offered in Winter sessions: ELEC10, 62, TECH60
  • Classes offered in Spring semesters: ELEC50A/50B, 56, 11, 61, 54B, 55, 12, 74, TECH60
  • Classes offered in the Summer sessions: Sometimes TECH60 is offered in the summer
What to consider in your schedule are the following:
  • Take ELEC51 as soon as you can after ELEC50A/50B
  • Take ELEC54A, 54B, 53, and 55 either concurrently with 51 or better yet after you’ve taken 51
  • Take ELEC12 after ELEC51
  • Take ELEC74 after ELEC56
  • Take ELEC61 after ELEC50A/50B
  • ELEC54A and 54B can be taken in either order
  • See the 3 year tentative class schedule on the Electronics Website

NOTE: The following suggested schedules take all the above bullets into account

General Education Requirements for A.S. Degree

To obtain an Associate in Science degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology you will need to complete at least 26 units of general-education (G.E.) course work. Below are some recommendations.

View Full GE Requirements

Recommended G.E Schedule

We recommend taking your G.E's concurrently with, rather than after,  your Electronics courses so that your technical skills are current when applying for jobs upon graduation. We recommend taking English 1A (Freshman Composition) early as it will help with writing assignments encountered in the Electronics courses. Other than that, G.E.'s can be taken in any order. The following recommended G.E's are for courses that pair well with our Electronics courses. 

  • 2 courses from Area A - We recommend English 1A (4 units) and Speech 1A (4 units).
  • 1 course from Area B
  • 2 courses from Area C
  • 2 courses from Area D
  • 1 course from Area E - Any 3-unit course.
College Preparatory Courses

If you need to take one or more college preparatory courses (for example, Math 51, Math 71, or English 68), we recommend taking those as you begin your course work in Electronics. We recommend an Elementary Algebra or higher level of math ability coming into Electronics 50A, (Electronic Circuits - Direct Current).

Math courses preceding Math 51 should be completed before entering Electronics 50A. However, other courses in the department, specifically Electronics 11 (Technical Applications in Microcomputers), and Technology 60 (Customer Relations for the Technician), have no college preparatory course requirement. In addition, though not required  for the Electronics certificate or degree, Electronics 10 (Introduction to Mechatronics), is an ideal introduction to our program and has no prerequisites.