Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting, 2024.

Mt. SAC Academic Senate

Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting, 2024.
Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting, 2024.

Academic Senate

What is the Mt. SAC Academic Senate?

The Mt. San Antonio College Academic Senate is a body of faculty representatives from all academic departments and disciplines responsible for making recommendations to the administration and for communicating with the Board of Trustees on policy development and implementation with respect to academic and professional issues.

In embracing shared governance, the Academic Senate of Mt. San Antonio College partners with the campus as a whole to make informed recommendations that are in accordance with the College Mission Statement. Click here for the list of "10+1" college issues for which the Academic Senate provides recommendations.

The Board of Trustees relies on the Academic Senate for:

  1. Curriculum, including establishing pre-requisites and placing courses within disciplines.
  2. Degree and certificate requirement.
  3. Grading policies.
  4. Educational program development.
  5. Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success.
  6. District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles.
  7. Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports.
  8. Policies for faculty professional development activities.
  9. Processes for program review.
  10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development.
  11. Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the academic senate.

Note: Bolding distinguishes areas where the Academic Senate is primarily relied upon, per the Academic Senate Constitution.

    • Serving on Committees/Councils

      You are part of our campus's shared governance. Please consider serving on one or more of our many committees, councils, or task forces. Please complete this Interest Form to be considered. You can learn more about committees on the College’s Committees webpage,  which is where you will also find the committee meeting times, their Purpose & Function and member terms. Check out this map of the Senate Committee structure to view a visual representation.

    • Serving Management Selection Committees

      In general, two faculty serve on each search/selection committee for managers. To be considered for a search committee please fill out the management search and selection committee: Interest Form

      Only positions for which we are currently searching are listed on the form.

      To serve on hiring committees, you must have a current EEO/Selection Committee training. Trainings are offered regularly by HR. Please register on the POD Connect Calendar.

      Full-time faculty can use hours spent serving on hiring committees as service to the college. Unfortunately, part-time faculty cannot be compensated for serving on hiring committees but are welcome to serve.

    • Serving as Coordinator/Liaison

      Appendix E, in the Faculty Contract, lists the number of positions for which reassigned time is available. To serve as a Coordinator or Liaison, please complete this Interest Form. If there is a position in which you are interested that is not currently posted, feel free to share your future interest to help with succession planning.  Many of the descriptions for positions the Academic Senate appoints to are listed in the Senate Constitution.

    • What's the process for being appointed?
      1. Faculty express interest and share applicable experience or knowledge which they will contribute to the work through the forms linked to above. For Coordinator or Liaison positions faculty may be asked to reflect on additional relevant questions.
      2. All responses are reviewed by the Academic Senate President, usually in collaboration with the Co-Vice Presidents of the Senate. Depending on the position, the President may also confer with faculty, staff, or managers who work closely with the position holder to discuss preferred qualifications.
      3. Appointments are then made by the Academic Senate President.
      4. Finally, appointments go through Senate Exec and full Senate for confirmation and approval. 
    • Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC)
      Formed in 1970, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization. Created for the promotion and advancement of public community college education in California, its general purposes are:
      1. To strengthen local academic senates and councils of community colleges;
      2. To serve as the voice of the faculty of the community colleges in matters of statewide concern;
      3. To develop policies and promote the implementation of policies on matters of statewide issues;
      4. To make recommendations on statewide matters affecting the community colleges.
      The Academic Senate gets its authority to strengthen local senates on California community colleges statewide from the California Code of Regulations Title 5 Section 53206, which says:
      (a) An Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges has been established through ratification by local academic senates or faculty councils so that the community college faculty of California may have a formal and effective procedure for participating in the formation of state policies on academic and professional matters.
      (b) The Board of Governors recognizes the Academic Senate of the California Community Colleges as the representative of community college academic senates or faculty councils before the Board of Governors and Chancellor's Office.
      For more information about how to get involved, visit the Academic Senate website:
    • ASCCC Mission Statement

      The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges fosters the effective participation by community college faculty in all statewide and local academic and professional matters; develops, promotes, and acts upon policies responding to statewide concerns; and serves as the official voice of the faculty of California Community Colleges in academic and professional matters. The Academic Senate strengthens and supports the local senates of all California community colleges.

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7:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
  4-2465H and 4-2465I
(909) 274-5436