What To Do In Case Of ...
When emergencies happen, you need to know the basics of what to do. Use this basic guide to prepare for when disaster strikes.
Become familiar with the nearest fire alarm and fire extinguisher in this building and your work area. If you discover a fire, explosion, or smoke in a campus building:
- Immediately call the Department of Police and Campus Safety (909) 274- 4555 or 9-9-1-1 from a campus phone.
- Extinguish small fires if you have been trained and it is safe to do so.
- If you see a fire, activate the fire alarm.
- Notify others if you can.
If you hear a fire alarm:
- Evacuate immediately.
- Do not open doors if they are hot.
- When exiting, use the stairs. Do not use the elevator.
- Follow evacuation procedures.
Earthquake proof items on walls and shelves. Ensure desk, chairs, and other items do not block exits if moved during shaking.
- Drop, cover, and hold until the shaking stops. Protect your head, neck and spine.
- Stay away from windows, filing cabinets, bookcases, and other heavy objects.
- Prepare for the possibility of aftershocks.
- Evacuate the building if there is visible damage, gas odors, or other signs that it is unsafe to remain indoors.
- If evacuated, do not return to building until a safety assessment has been done.
- Seek assistance from the Department of Police and Campus Safety or emergency responders.
Active Shooter
- If you think you hear gunfire, don’t wait for others to confirm it. Take Action. Trust your instincts.
- If you can, RUN to safety.
- Hide in a room or play dead if you cannot escape.
- If you cannot run, HIDE. Barricade the door (use chairs, cabinets or furniture) and turn off lights. Silence cell phones. Prepare to FIGHT!
- Call the Department of Police and Campus Safety (909) 274-4555 or 9-1-1 (9-9-1-1 from a campus phone) of the situation.
Building Evacuation
Know where all the building exits are located. Review the Mt. SAC Evacuation Procedures and Evacuation Assembly Site Map.
- Stay calm. Do not rush or panic.
- Safely stop your work
- If it is safe to do so, gather your personal belongings and exit. If not, just leave.
- Do not use the elevators.
- Proceed to designated Evacuation Assembly Areas. Keep streets and walkways clear.
- Report persons needing evacuation assistance to emergency responders.
- Wait for instructions and additional information from emergency responders.
Campus-wide Evacuation
Remain calm and follow the directions provided by emergency messages and responders. During life-threatening conditions (gunshots, fire, explosion, etc.), leave your vehicle on campus and travel to safety on foot.
- In normal campus conditions, a full campus evacuation can take two hours or more. Patience is required.
- Watch for cars, pedestrians, and emergency vehicles. Your safety and the safety of others is important.
- Assist disabled and injured persons. Find emergency responders if assistance is needed.
- Follow the instructions provided by emergency responders and go with the flow of exiting traffic. Be prepared to take alternative routes.
Disaster Service Workers should report to their departments for instructions.
Medical or Mental Health Emergency
Learn life-saving skills such as CPR, First Aid and how to us an AED. Know the location of the nearest first aid kit. Be familiar with the Mt SAC Medical Aid Flip Chart.
- Call the Department of Police and Campus Safety (909) 274-4555 or 9-9-1-1 from a campus phone.
- Do not approach or move the victim unless it is safe to do so.
- Send someone to meet and direct emergency responder.
- If it is safe to do so, stay with the victim until help arrives.
- Provide aid if you are trained and if it is safe to do so.
Criminal Activity or Suspicious Behavior
Everyone is asked to assist in making the campus a safe place. If you see a crime in progress, observe behavior that you believe may be criminal or you are a victim of crime, immediately report it to the Department of Police and Campus Safety at (909) 274-4555 from a safe location.
Take Security Precautions
- Know and use safe routes for entering and exiting the campus and buildings.
- Call the Department of Police and Campus Safety for escort services at night and when you feel unsafe.
- DO NOT prop open building entrance doors or windows. Rectify situations when you observe them. If you see a door or window propped open, close it.
- Do not allow unknown persons walk into a locked building or office area behind you.
- Do not leave keys or personal belongs unattended or give them to a person unauthorized to use them.
Your Personal Safety Comes First
- Use any campus emergency Blue phone to report a crime or suspicious person.
- Do not approach or attempt to apprehend a crime suspect.
- Do not panic. Keep a safe distance. Use available cover.
- Surrender property. Escape if you can! Property can be replaced. Your life cannot.
- Avoid conflict whenever possible.