Banner 9
Upgrade/Maintenance Schedule
- Feature Releases: Includes major enhancements and defect corrections
- Maintenance Releases: Limited to defect corrections and non-invasive enhancements
- Regulatory (as needed): Released during normal windows based on regulations
- Ad Hoc Releases: Ad-hoc releases when needed for critical issue resolution
Major Changes
With Banner 9, there are significant changes to both current Banner forms and Banner self-service. Notably, Banner forms will be replaced with the new Banner 9 administrative pages which will eliminate the need of frequent upgrades to new java versions, and provide a more user-friendly interface. Similarly, Banner 9 Self-service will also offer a much more robust user interface compared to its current version. In addition, it will also provide great opportunities to integrate with other applications from Ellucian and third-party vendors.
Banner 9 Features
- New Application Navigator
- Modern web look
- Improved usability and navigation
- Improved accessibility
- Compatible with all browsers
- No Java prompts or issues